Installed in Baja for the East Cape Open Studio Tour
Feb 2021

Installed in a private Garden in Hood River OR
Crooked Pole 2021
Installed as Part of the Gorge Artists Open Studio Tour
Hood River OR

Installed at the Percival Plinth Project
Olympia WA

Installed at the Dalles Art Center, The Dalles OR

Installed in Napa CA

Installed in Napa CA

A poem By Amanda Gorman
Installed In The Dalles Art Center The Dalles OR
Installed on Bainbridge Island WA
A public commission by the Next Door
The Dalles OR
Drawings by students in The Next Door’s programs
A poem by Amanda Gorman
Installed in Auburn WA

Installed in a private garden in Odel Oregon
Installed in Coeur d’Alene Idaho
Installed in Coeur d’Alene Idaho

Installed in Coeur d’Alene Idaho
Installed at the Pam Solman Sculpture Competition San Angelo TX
First Place